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How much does it cost to make a PVC card?

Update time:2023-03-27 11:09:17 / Views:163

How much is a PVC card? Many people ask, do PVC card is actually a kind of printing, the cheaper the printing, but there is a starting price, do PVC card is the same, there is a starting price, there is a starting price, there is a starting price, generally do 1000, the unit price is relatively cost-effective, 500 and 1000, involving the same process, just the machine 2 laps, so 1000 than 500 expensive how much money?

How much is a PVC card?

How much more expensive? 500 168 yuan, 1,000 188 yuan, many customers are very surprised! Why is 1000 only 20 yuan more than 500? Compared with 1000 sheets, making 500 sheets out of the film, start, workers to make the time is shorter, less material, need to pay a lot of the same cost, that is, 1000 sheets and 500 sheets have the same hard cost of 150 yuan. So it is generally recommended that customers do 1000 sheets for a more cost effective unit price. Of course, if you do more, it will be cheaper, 10,000, 20,000, 1,000,000, etc.

Then, depending on the material, texture and process of the card, there are many different prices, usually around $0.18, plus flash gold and silver cards, plus $0.03; cards with magnetic stripe barcode are about $0.21.

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