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RFID electronic tags have been at the forefront of the smart card industry

Radio frequency card identification and RFID, the full name (Radio Frequency IDentification), is the current smart card industrys most cutting-edge communications technology, can identify specific targets and read and write relevant data through radio signals, without the need to contact like contact IC cards need to contact the card inserted to read information.

RFID electronic tag technology introduction.

Conceptually speaking, RFID is similar to barcode scanning, for barcode technology, it is the barcode that has been encoded and attached to the target and uses a special scanning reader to transmit information from the bar to the scanning reader using light signals; while RFID uses a special RFID reader and a special RFID tag that can be attached to the target and uses frequency signals to transmit information from the RFID tag to the RFID reader. Transmits to RFID reader.

Structurally speaking RFID is a simple wireless system with only two basic devices, the system is used to control, detect and track objects. The system consists of an interrogator (or reader) and many responders (or tags).

RFID electronic tag is a non-contact automatic identification technology, it can read the card information by induction, it can identify a variety of tags at high speed and convenience, the current application of the market is very wide.

RFID electronic tag application market.

1、Enterprise in the identity recognition, attendance card, a card

2、Campus card, realize a card, convenient payment

3、Access control, electronic tickets

4、High-speed automatic toll collection system.

5, logistics and supply management and other uses, because RFID is convenient, fast and safe, the financial industry is also gradually introducing electronic tags as identification in the banking system.

     According to experts, in the next 5-10 years, China will achieve national intelligence and enter the era of convenient and secure smart cards. Source: Feiyue smart card httpwww.feiyueka.com smart card industry website, professional production research of various smart card research and development

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