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What is the size of keychain card design

Update time:2023-04-25 11:18:11 / Views:174

Keychain card design size and requirements:

What is the size of keychain card design,

A, the standard keychain card production size:

    Keychain card production size 88.5.5 × 57mm (1.5mm bleeding bit on each of the four sides).

  Second, the standard keychain card finished size.

    Finished keychain card size 85.5.5 × 54mm; when placing an order, please specify the size of the shaped card;

  Third, the keychain card layout method:

    Keychain card layout, please put the text and other content in the cutting line 3mm, keychain card cutting will be more beautiful;;

  Fourth, the keychain card style:

    When making keychain cards, you should pay attention to the distance from the raised code to the edge should be 3mm; the distance from the magnetic strip to the edge is 4mm, and the width of the magnetic strip is 12.7mm.

  Five, keychain card production software:

    The company accepts files made by coreldraww, Illustrator, Freehand, Photoshop software tools; text needs to be curved or outside frame;

  Six, keychain card format requirements:

    1、CorelDraw, please store in CDR format (using CorelDraw special effects graphics, please convert to bitmap, bitmap resolution of 350dpi).

    2、Freehand, please store Illlustrator into EPS format (external image file, need to attach the file).

    3. Please store Photoshop in TIF or JPG format with file resolution over 350dpi.

  7. Please set the color mode of the keychain card production file to C.M.Y.K mode.

  If the line is less than 0.076mm, printing will not be displayed, should be set not less than 0.076mm.

  Nine, the color setting value should not be less than 5%, so that the color can not be shown.

  X. Files made in Photoshop, keychain card production size of 88.5 × 57mm, two files are stored in the front and back.

  Color instructions: xi:

    1, the printing color can not use the screen or printout color to request. Do not use special colors when filling colors. Production must refer to the color value of CMYK % number to fill the color, otherwise the resulting color difference will not be returned.

    2, the same file in different printing, there will be slight differences in color, coffee, dark green, dark purple, etc., more likely to deviation problems, which is normal.

    3, do not use black letters C: 100, M: 100, Y: 100, K: four-color fill 100, four-color fill the total value of more than 250% of the above large color block, printing is easy to cause back printing (sticky flowers).

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The standard of keychain card design manuscript and keychain card size
Keychain card simple Photoshop design practical skills


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