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Smart card diversity requirements, gradually extended to various industries

Smart card came into the market in about 2000, 13 years of development, smart cards have made great achievements, smart cards from only the card number of ID cards, upgraded to read and write the contents of the card sector of the logic encryption of IC cards, and then to the current CPU smart card, smart cards are now vigorously promoted by the government and enterprises

The security of CPU card is recognized by the industry, and so far, CPU card is the most secure smart card application in the smart card industry. CPU card has independent data computing capability, and CPU card is a computer.

    The emergence of composite cards makes users feel more humanized and simplified. For example, the composite card of CPU card and 18000-6BC, etc., not only takes into account the demand of access control system in the near distance, but also meets the demand of long-distance smart card authentication in parking and channel management systems. According to relevant information, smart card authentication has covered ID cards, IC cards, CPU cards, cell phone RF-SIM card authentication is also included in the scope of access control authentication as a new authentication mode. In addition, smart card multiple authentication, smart card password authentication and biometric card authentication and other composite authentication modes are also applied according to the unused security level and environmental requirements.

Application of smart cards in various industries

1、Smart cards are known as smart cards. At present, smart cards have made great achievements. In the financial industry, smart cards are about to replace the existing magnetic stripe cards to fully upgrade the banking system and ensure the security of citizens property.

2、Access cards have become indispensable products in various communities, and ID access cards have been gradually replaced by IC access cards.

3, the popularity of enterprise one card has also reduced a lot of problems for enterprises, staff security, attendance management, canteen, etc. can be achieved on a card, but also convenient for the management of enterprises.

4, the construction of the city card has become part of the citys economic development, a card to achieve public bicycle, bus, subway and other kinds of transportation, for the city management to bring more convenience.

Smart cards are generally commonly used in various fields:, medical, insurance, transportation, energy, communications, security management, identification, etc. In the future development, smart cards will achieve greater success

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