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9 advantages of silicone wristband material for product design

Update time:2023-04-25 09:33:08 / Views:120

First of all, silicone wristband is a synthetic elastomer made of filler reinforced cross-linked silicone based polymer. It achieves a combination of chemical and mechanical properties unmatched by organic elastomers.

9 advantages of silicone wristband material chosen for product design

What are the advantages of this nature of the material?

It has a longer service life in harsh environments and is unaffected by weather for a long time - rain, snow, humidity, ozone, solar ultraviolet (UV); organic elastomers may become brittle after prolonged exposure to the environment.

Second, wider service temperature range - from -100°C to 316°C (-148 to 600oF); organic elastomers soften and deform irreversibly at temperatures above 100°C (212oF) and become brittle at temperatures below 25°C (-13oF).

Third, when exposed to harsh environmental stresses (heat, cold, humidity, oil, ozone, UV), its inherent good electrical insulation quality does not change significantly.

Fourth, in a wide range of temperatures can maintain its natural flexibility and elasticity (resistance to compression deformation) to improve the comfort and feel of consumer goods.

Fifth, good sealing performance.

Sixth, inert (tasteless and odorless);

Seventh, safety and environmental protection, widely used in food processing tools, baby products, etc.

Eighth, more choices - a wider range of hardness (from Shore A10 to 80), a wider range of color choices (from transparent to bright colors).

Ninth, better flowability - easy to manufacture and increase productivity.

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