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IC card engineering national standards are born, the first mandatory provisions

This national standard is by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Information Center, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development IC card application service center in conjunction with relevant units to undertake the task of preparation. It is also the first compulsory national standard in the field of smart card prepared and promulgated according to the requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developments "Notice on the Issuance of the Plan for the Development and Revision of Engineering Construction Standards and Specifications in 2O1O" (Jianbiao [2010] No. 43) and "Letter on the Adjustment of the Main Editor of the National Standard " (Jianbiao Bian [2012] No. 137). The national standard for engineering construction.

In this national standard, mandatory provisions appear for the first time, and according to the national standard work, the standard with mandatory provisions in the standard clauses is a mandatory standard.

IC card engineering national standard is born, the first mandatory provisions

This series of mandatory standards is a good solution to the problem that there has been a lack of engineering construction standards for guiding the design, construction and acceptance of urban card systems in smart card engineering, and the industry standards are not uniform, providing the most authoritative guidelines for industry operators and enterprises.

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