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IC card encryption is how to do, 7 points of knowledge must see?

IC card password;

IC card encryption is how to do, 7 points of knowledge must see?

As we all know, IC when the card is used for consumer purposes, must ensure the security of the data in the IC card to prevent others from reading the card data at will, modify the amount of the card.

IC read-write to verify the IC card password only through the verification of the correct IC read-write card data.

Note: Since the IC card password is the basis for IC card reading and writing must be carefully handled IC change the card password.

Strongly recommended: IC card password only need to define a, do not need to define multiple IC card password according to different user units. Otherwise, it is easy to confuse the password of each unit. If the user unit encrypts a password different from the original password when purchasing the card, it cannot be used. Different units of IC as long as the other password (unit password) is different (please see the following unit password section description), the card password is the same will not affect the use.

Piece unit password

Since the IC card password is the basis for IC card reading and writing changing the password or defining multiple base IC card passwords is not a good solution.

For the consumer system provider, it is better to define only one IC card password and then let the user define the unit password according to different users.

When using unit A in the definition of the unit unique unit password, unit A issued IC other units can not use the consumer card.

Even if the IC card password of other units is the same as the IC card password of unit A, the IC consumer cards cannot be mixed between units because the unit passwords are different.

The unit password defined by the user of the consumption system will be stored in the database of its consumption system and can be saved by entering it only once.

Note: IC once the card password and unit password is determined, it can not be modified

The IC card area code (IC card model: S50)

Each IC card is internally divided into 16 zones, the zone number is 0 to Generally used for 15 1 to 15 generally do not need 0 zone.

Do not need to use the consumption system IC card within all areas generally only 8 areas. Users are using it IC card, you can choose any 8 areas encryption, other areas can be left to other systems.

Note: IC card zone numbers should be the same for the same unit. Some users are not allowed to use zones 1 to 8, while some users use zones 9 and 15.

Singing the IC card factory password

The step of changing the IC card factory password (255 255 255 255 255 255) to a password defined by the consumer system supplier is called IC card encryption.

IC can choose the card encryption IC card encryption zone number and can encrypt any IC card zone.

The password of the encrypted IC card zone will be changed to the consumer system vendor that defined the password.

The password of the unencrypted IC card area remains the factory password (255 255 255 255 255 255 255).

Be careful with IC card decryption

Change the IC card password to the factory password (255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255) IC card decryption.

IC can choose the card decryption IC decryption card area number, you can decrypt any IC card area.

Decrypted IC card area password modified to factory password (255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255).

Note: has been encrypted IC if the card is decrypted to factory password (255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255), must know the original encryption password.

Select IC card password card

Defined by the consumer system supplier IC card password should not be changed often, but should IC new card encryption requires frequent use of the card password.

After defining the IC card password for the first time, the IC can write the card password into the blank in the IC card (IC card password for 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255).

Later need a new IC when the card encryption or new card issuer encryption, you can read the card IC password card to get IC without manually entering the card password.

Consumption equipment factory, can not read and write IC card, only with IC only card password card can be configured to consume equipment IC card password consumption equipment can read and write encrypted consumer equipment IC card.

Note: IC cards used as IC card password card should be purchased from IC card manufacturers after the password is 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255" blank IC card.

Note: IC card password card should be properly stored, lost IC will lead to card password card IC card password leakage.

Borrow read-write IC card precautions

Each time to IC read and write card before, should first read and write card IC card placed in IC in the card issuer induction area, and then click the software in the relevant read and write IC card button.

When reading and writing IC card, should wait for the software to complete the prompt to appear IC card moved to the induction area of the card issuer, otherwise it will affect the IC card reading and writing.

The card issuer can only read one IC at a time therefore, do not use two or more cards IC card in the induction area of the card issuer.

There must be no metal, electrical equipment or magnetic objects within 10cm around the card issuer, otherwise it will affect the reading and writing of IC card.

Only one IC card is allowed within 10cm around the card issuer in the induction area of the card issuer, do not allow other things IC card next to the card issuer, otherwise it will affect the reading and writing of the other IC card.

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