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How to determine the ic card and id card

How to judge ic card and id card rice card is ic card or id card how to judge ic card and id card

How to determine the ic card and id card

how to distinguish access card? ic and id night id card and ic card difference how to distinguish id card and ic card

Access control card is ic card or id card Access control ic card and id card difference Key fob card is ic or id

Access control ic card

? I believe that many people have this problem, now teach you simple IC card ID card to distinguish the method of judgment, so that you have a professional eye, a glance to determine what you take ID card or IC card.

First of all, from id card and ic from the respective definitions.

IC integrated circuit card full name of the card (Integrated Circuit Card), also known as smart card (Smart Card). Read and write, large capacity, strong encryption function, reliable data records, easy to use, such as a card system, consumer systems, etc. PHILIPS Mifare series cards.

 ID card full name identification card (Identification Card), it is a kind of induction card can not be written, including fixed number, mainly including Taiwan SYRIS EM format, the United States HID, TI, MOTOROLA and other types of ID cards.

It can be seen that the ic can be encrypted memory card, id card is a read-only low frequency card.

ID card

How to distinguish the appearance of id cards and ic cards.

The most commonly used induction cards are divided into two cards ID card and IC, there are also id cards and ic have white cards, color printing cards, keychain cards, drip cards and other types of cards. How to distinguish these?

Id card and ic distinguish white card: general id white card surface has 18-bit internal code number, internal code number arrangement rules for the first 10 card number + space + 3 digits + comma + 5 digits. ic white card is white, no card number.

The difference between ID white card and IC white card

The difference between ID key fob card and IC key fob card: generally the surface of ID key fob card is engraved with 10-digit internal code, and the surface of IC key fob is generally blank.

ID key fob card and IC distinguish key fob card

ID color printing card and IC distinguish color printing card method:This kind of surface has printing, printing pattern generally can be customized according to customer requirements. Only from the internal coils, the coils inside the card can be seen in the dark with a flashlight transmitting light from the back of the card: generally ID card coils are round, with more turns of coils. IC card coils are oval, with fewer turns. The following figure shows.

All the above about ID card and IC according to the conventional situation, is according to the conventional situation, but because these card types can be customized according to the requirements, do not exclude some special circumstances.

In order to judge the difference between two cards more accurately, the best way is to read and write card test by ID card reader and IC card reader, or contact our card manufacturer directly for analysis by our professional card manufacturer.

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