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This is an era of intelligence. At present, gourmets are also blessed. They can also use a card to eat delicious food! Now Beijing Shengxi 8 Food City can eat all over the city with one card.

Beijing Shengxi 8 Food City is located between the North 4th and North 5th Ring Roads in Haidian District. It is a prime location at the northeast corner of the intersection of Xueqing Road and Shibanfang South Road. Usually the customer flow is very high, and the cashier is a big problem when it is overcrowded on weekends. In order to solve this problem, the management of Shengxi No. 8 Food City

Smart era, food can be "one card"!

The management decided to buy a card device to solve the drawbacks of cash payment by swiping the card.

For most of the food city merchants, business is to pay with one hand and deliver food with the other. The consequences of cash settlement for customers are obvious when there is a lot of traffic: low efficiency! Find the money, find the money, or find the money, slow, afraid of finding the wrong money, receiving the wrong money! How to solve it? This is a big problem!

Beijing Shengxi 8 Food City is located in Haidian District between the North 4th and North 5th Ring Road. The prime location at the northeast corner of the intersection of Xueqing Road and Shibafang South Road is usually heavily patronized and overcrowded on weekends, making cashiering a big problem. In order to solve this problem, the management of Shengxi 8 Food City decided to purchase a card device to solve the shortcomings of cash payment by swiping the card.

Recently, the new Aocon production of a group of 15-year history of the old card manufacturers have been installed and commissioned in Shengxi 8 food city, I also came to experience.

The south side of Shengxi 8 Food City is the University of Petroleum, Geological University, University of Science and Technology and other higher education institutions. High-tech enterprises gather, high-end communities and apartments around. The college students around Shengxi 8 are no stranger to the one-card payment. The major university cafeterias have long adopted the OneCard system.

The writer ordered an aromatic pot in the food court of Shengxi 8. As with the university cafeteria, this time no more cash payment is required. With a single drop, the settlement is done, without wondering if there is a little extra change. Its really convenient that the money is on the card anyway.

After eating the fragrant pot, I went to a few other companies to find out more about it, to make sure that as long as it is a card of St. Hei 8, any of them here can swipe the card to pay for what they want to eat!

As for this one-card payment method, some merchants said that since the one-card, the efficiency has increased 10 times, never worry about finding the wrong money and receiving the wrong money. In the process of experience, several students from the University of Geology are also very satisfied with this payment method. There is still a sense of students out there, and most importantly, its convenient!

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