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Jining City issued a PVC card for pregnant women to protect the rights and interests of rural women

Update time:2023-03-27 10:40:23 / Views:75

It is understood that Jining City will be issued free of charge to rural women who have given birth in hospital and rural women maternal and child information (except for financial provincial counties) PVC The card will achieve folic acid supplementation, maternal health care, maternal hospital delivery subsidies, postpartum visits, child health care, birth medical certificates and other multi-purpose cards, the whole process free of charge.

Jining City issued a PVC card for maternity information "a card" to protect the rights and interests of rural women

According to the relevant provisions, Jining Citys rural maternal hospital delivery subsidy of 15 yuan is used to purchase maternal and child information PVC cards for free distribution to pregnant rural women and rural women who have given birth in hospital (except for counties under financial control). Counties and cities according to the local folic acid distribution channels free PVC cards to local household registration of rural pregnant and pregnant women. 2010 hospital births, but did not receive PVC to receive hospital birth subsidies, the card rural women free replacement, receive PVC and enter information as required. Each eligible rural pregnant women can only receive a free PVC card once, and may not be repeatedly issued.

In addition, the issuance of PVC in accordance with the principle of informed choice, the person can buy at their own expense (according to the relevant notice of the Shandong Provincial Price Bureau, Department of Finance requirements, PVC card labor rate of 15 yuan per card), or free of charge, the cost is deducted from the rural maternity hospital delivery subsidy. PVC the card is used to enter information on folic acid, maternal health, hospital delivery subsidy, medical certificate of birth, child health.

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