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The implementation of tax payment convenience service card greatly improves the efficiency of tax preparation

Update time:2023-03-27 10:49:34 / Views:112

Tax-friendly service card is the key to taxpayer identification, tax-enterprise mutual

The implementation of tax-friendly service card has greatly improved the efficiency of tax handling

The card is a tool for taxpayer identification and tax service, which realizes the digitization of taxpayer identification and the intelligence of self-help tax administration, and provides taxpayers with all-round, all-weather and all-process tax service. The implementation of tax-friendly service card in the tax bureau has greatly improved the efficiency of tax handling!

Tax-friendly service card

It is understood that Zhang, an accountant of a construction company, went to Lushunkou District Local Taxation Bureau to handle the invoicing business for engineering projects, just in time when the bureaus "Tax Service Convenience Card" was printed and placed in the hall for free use by taxpayers, and he prepared the required information one by one according to the five items listed on the card and finished the invoicing business in one go. He finished the invoicing business in one go. He said, "This card is placed in the bag, which is also convenient to carry, and will not miss items according to the tips, so that the business can be finished at one time."

The "Tax Service Convenience Card" lists in detail the information required for two dozen daily tax business such as violation penalty, invoice delivery and inspection, invoice purchase, invoice payment and cancellation, invoice loss, tax registration, tax declaration, invoice issuance, cancellation registration, inspection registration, project registration, settlement registration, issuance of foreign control certificate, etc. The card is designed in red, blue, green and yellow. The cards are designed in four colors: red, blue, green and yellow, which are easy to understand at a glance and convenient for the taxation staff to select the required business cards quickly, and are bound in adhesive type, which can be torn with use, so it is convenient and quick.

Tax payment convenient service card

In the tax service hall of the bureau, many taxpayers get the service cards when they go to the tax hall window for business. As a new initiative of the customer-oriented tax service system, the tax service card not only brings the distance between the taxpayers and the taxpayers closer, but also makes it more convenient and fast to handle tax-related matters. Before that, if taxpayers just ask for business, they may have to wait for a long time because there are too many taxpayers in the process, which may lead to the business cannot be finished at one time, but now they can get the corresponding service card by telling the window staff the business they want to do, which saves a lot of time; or if they handle related business, they can check the materials listed on the card one by one to ensure that they do not delay in providing materials. This has greatly ensured the efficiency of tax preparation.

The issuance of the tax service card further closes the distance between taxation authorities and taxpayers, allowing taxpayers to feel the efforts and progress made by the national taxation department in the education and practice activities of the mass line and the spring action of tax administration for the convenience of the people, which has been well received by taxpayers. In addition, the back of the tax service card IC card also has the tax service hotline, consultation and reservation service telephone, supervision telephone, tax service QQ group, WeChat public number, online tax service hall website and portal website, etc., so as to facilitate taxpayers to find solutions to their problems in time.

At present, the "Tax Convenience Service Card" is an inductive IC card designed and produced according to the needs of taxpayers. Card Cube adopts the M1 chip, which is the abbreviation of the chip produced by NXP, a subsidiary of Philips, and is called NXP Mifare1 series.

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