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What are the common contact smart cards and contactless smart cards

Update time:2023-03-27 10:02:14 / Views:106

What are the common contact smart cards and contactless smart cards?

With the rapid development of technology, smart cards are now used in all walks of life and play an important role in peoples lives. What are the differences between the two in use?

1. The induction methods of the two are different

The smart card is a card with an integrated circuit chip installed, and most of the cards are made of plastic. When the card is still some distance away from the reader, the relevant data can be transmitted through radio waves.

2. Functional differences between the two

Contact smart cards are mainly used for data storage and are not able to process data. Their storage capacity is very large, but since the chip is exposed, if the chip is defaced, the smart card will not be used. Contactless smart cards are much safer in use, so people do not have to worry about the chip affecting the use of the smart card, and they do not have to be inserted to read the card.

3. Different applications

After understanding the difference between contact smart cards and non-contact smart cards in terms of induction methods and functions, we can classify the various types of cards in our lives. Smart cards that can be used inductively, such as identification cards and automated physical management identification, which do not require contact and can obtain relevant data, are all contactless smart cards.

Nowadays, smart cards are being used more and more widely in our lives. Before using smart cards, people should understand them and be clear about whether they are contact or non-contact smart cards, because different types of smart cards require different attention when they are used.

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