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Hotel room card printing production and attention!

Update time:2023-03-27 10:45:46 / Views:124

Now all hotel room cards are smart chip cards, but hotel room cards are not made casually. Generally speaking, the hotel room card is encrypted when the smart door lock and hotel management system are installed. If you dont know the encryption code or the chip model of the hotel room card, you cant start when you make the hotel room card.

Hotel room card printing production and attention!

At present, many hotel room cards are basically used. the card used by IC induction pan is induction IC card (T5577, M1) These two chip cards are the main types of making room cards.

These two chip cards can write data and encryption, absolute security, can not be copied.

Hotel room cards are usually provided directly by the door lock supplier in the early days. The room card provided by the door lock supplier is basically encrypted. If they do not provide you with the encryption code, your hotel room card can only be made by them separately. If you know the encryption code, come to our card manufacturer no problem, the price will be much cheaper.

What if you dont know anything about hotel cards? No problem, you can send us a sample card (at least 3 good cards, bad cards are useless), after receiving the sample hotel room card we will determine the chip type and the rules of adding the code, then according to the test results to your room card whether it can be made (Note: If you do not know the code or we detect the code is irregular, then we can not do this card, just like everyones cell phone password, if you do not tell someone what the password is, it is basically impossible to crack).

If we detect that your hotel room card is not encrypted or has a regular code, we can send you a sample card from our manufacturer for testing. If you can use the test there, we can make your hotel room card.

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